Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Desmond Super Bear!
F1 - i support L.Hamilton :) Eunice support Raikkonen but he last few lap 'buang', too bad..hehe..den i pity Massa too. Due to mis-communication bah, he bring along the pipe with him & waited for the team members to get to him, and so from first become last.

After that en came to fetch me den to fetch ray & off we go to ECP Carls Junior. Had long chats & i find it meaningful =)

I woke up quite late, so din go school. MSN km & cy den mit at orchard see products. CY craving for KFC drumlets, so km & me ate mcflurry.

CY off to meet gf, km & me bussed to oschool to meet sihui. Daniel's HH2 class today is fun, got formation as well, it's the intro of the song "move like AG" which we learned e chorus choreo on mon & sat. Then, to Raffles City for our dinner. ^^Backache is killing me but i think i'm feeling better le. -.-

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Jarett :)
Today's a fun day!! Went for HH1 Daniel's class with sihui. Same song as mon but got choreo changes. I like some of the techniques today but i still prefer mon's choreo =D

Pasta for lunch but too salty and sihui waited for me to finish my house II. It's fun!! I think i've been smiling through the wholes lesson, i duno y, probably coz i cnt catch up..hehe..

En when off to meet wj, sihui & me went over to sim lim coz she wanna buy thumbdrive. We walked & walked & saw someone familiar, it's garry. We were kinda far so din go to find him, so we continue. We saw another person again and he's wirawan!! funny. He accompany us walk and sihui bot her thumbdrive, we then head to bugis to meet sara, sophia & eason. We dine at QQ noodle house, not bad, quite nice, i give 7.5/10 :)

After dinner is meeting time, but wira went off, din join us. We had discussion at national library, at e same time check out our exhibition area, then again, it may not be the official yet?? nvm, sarah & sihui(sapp) joined us. We discuss til the library wanna close & went to bras basah kopitiam & found out that there's accident outside oschool der.
We have a powerful lady who can storm on the ground & make that spot crack!! Scary!!! =pMy whole holiday is kinda ruined by myself. I wanted to do many stuffs like polishing up my folio & all but i failed to do them. I'm kinda busy with my dramas, unit & some logo design which is not mine but i still hv to come out with one super soon..hehe..i need some motivation for myself!!

Sometimes it's the smallest decision that can change your life forever.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Yong Qi
I decided to wear my HK Mickey Mouse bedroom slipper. My dad & bro wanna wear too but den too small for them, too bad..hehe =p

F1 trail was quite ok & my HK drama is super exciting..hehe..

I browsed through adidas collection & found some that i like, but i don't think i can find them in s'pore? i think only the watch cn be found bah..hehe..then, money is also another prob. If i can find them, i'll really consider coz i've been looking for shoes & watch for so long. Anyone see them tell me k..thks :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Some spy got this photo of illegal gathering @ starbucks =p

A good dinner treat by our ms jasmin, thks :)
vivo city
Imperial Herbal Restaurant & Tcafe

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday allankor & mr david lim :)
Went school to get back money and off to suntec with km. We ate AUNTIE ANNIE!! She meet lilin then i went to meet sihui. Off to Oschool for Daniels HH2 class. Ben is very lame! My $20 sign cn be a joke! =p

Choreo is quite fun & tiring, more krumping kind, sihui perspire like crazy! Dale came to meet us den meet en & ray. Sometimes too many friends got car also a prob?..haha..En drove us to bugis HK cafe der. Dale joined us awhile & off he go to pick up his car =p

So we had a girls topic & everyone is like so high!?!?! Forget to take pic with dale so.ya. Anyway today duno y my pic seems to have prob when uploaded, seems to be neon colour??Send Sihui home & 3 of us went over to ECP to meet my sis her her bf (eden). We had Carls Junior!! Moreover it's alrdy passed 12??? That explains me gaining weight!! We had a great time chatting & camwhoring. Nice meet up, more coming!! I had a great day :)
Chinese Garden with VJ-YARD!!
Though lantern Festival is over, we still gonna go there for the hello kitty!! I only got a few pics from my cam, more wif rina - send me!!
After that we went to my hse hawker there to have 'something light', which turn out to be a lil otherwise =p

So it's today, i'm waiting for time to go for the same time rushing some forms & all. I'm really quite busy during holidays as well..haha..ANYWAY, sorry for the neon pictures, i don't know what happen!

Another news is that sihui & me is joining a competition, which we also can't imagine us joining..hehe..just an experience - a dance competition

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Vivien!
Though today is already super advanced le, actual on 4sep, but its her celebration back from AdeLaide, so ya. I went to suntec secret recipe to collect the 1 recipe cake & waited for Rina to come fetch me. YY & Ms Soh was inside too..hehe..deir teacher is super cute & funny =p

At the end when we were about to leave, jasmine suggested to push vivien into the pool. So her sis gather ppl, vivien's dad said he wanted to save her daughter, den jasmine dad also helped out in pulling vivien into the pull. At the critical moment, vivien's dad run towards e poolside & pushed both vivien & jasmine sis in. Later on Jasmine & Vivien's mum oso got pushed into the pool & Crystal too. Hope Vivien enjoyed herself :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Went to school to meet ms ong for the CITC project, but in e end still gonna try sum more. It's ok, coz the design tt i thought hv really doesn't really meet the objectives. After that duno what to do, so intiated to go Popeya eat and we (km, cy & me) really go there eat..hehe..we went to sg flyer de.

After that help cy with his things den km went to meet lilin, before tt we settle down at BK to do things 1st.Later cy & me continue to look for his things & we went over to bras basah coffee bean to do. We do til quite late abt 10 plus den km going to our "bus-stop" so she came to find us. We do til abt 11 plus den HSH.

Ate cereal for brunch & off to oschool for Daniel's HH1 class, it's abit raggae feel, quite fun :)
So from 2pm-3pm i'm free, i editing my client(cy) stuff and continue house II, it's fun too but i really very 'bolut', i needa train my stamina..hehe..

Off to peace centre to print stuff. On the way a stupid guy keep staring with sucha a small eyes, PIG! =p Km came to meet me at PC, den we went over to PS to find envelopes & back to ms to meet cy & his gf, like so fake only..hehe..

Walked around & decided to go Heeren to have Waraku, in the end is tml den open, so we ended up eating at NYDC. Stayed there quite long with so many stupid chats..hehe..and back to km & my routine again, walked all the way to "our bus-stop" & HSH.

Recently the weather is super hot that makes my face alil red just by walking casually under the strong sun, it's a bad bad sun this season. =p

I really need money! I got so many things that i wanna buy!!! $.$
So many plans next week, so bitzy!!! But some of the days i kinda forget who i'm meeting & what i'm suppose to do. I only know until 25 sep, other than tt, i rmb abt 27 sep something is going on but i 4get wat is the thing or probably ders nth, only my imagination.

I had a scary dream which i can only rmb a bit, which is that i dreamt of alot of pandas that wanna eat those people in my dream & i'm one of the person. I don't really rmb the scenario, but it's really scary, but it's kinda fun as well i think =p
I think this dream is due to my recently often consumption of 'hello pandas' that resulted in that sounds stupid though. One more thing is, MOSQUITOES are irritating!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stayed in school til abt 10 plus - 11pm for unit discussion. It's been quite awhile since i stayed in sch til so late, my P6 period oso never stay in school til so long.

Got a new project, but this is kinda touch & go - corporate logo design. Hope km & me can do a gd 1 :)

Din go school coz wake up already quite late, so meet km & cy at ms. We walked & walked til about 7pm went to somerset to meet pang & km's fren - lilin.

Dinner at Thai Express! Chilling out at coffeebean. Had a great laugh til abt 11 plus and tts a long one. It's been a long while since we can sit down & chat alot with so much laughter. Also, scary stories really make me hv goosebumps and i don really like to know all this, making me don dare to do this & that =p

A long walk with km back to bras basah for our bus-stop :)

I had a super headache, i duno y. It's really painful.

Still having headaches & adding on with flu so i din go sch today. So whole day staying at home - DRAMA TIME! Can't 4get to do my work, so started doing work after my dinner =p

Tml gonna show first draft le...chiong'ing now..

nothing ever gonna remain the same, sometimes looking back will only make u feel so waste of time somehow -.-

Monday, September 15, 2008

Denise's a pig!
I wanted to wake up at 8.30am today but ended up waking up at 11am. AND, i still feel went to school discussed about unit. Found out that there's so much to do, we really need sponsorship!! We must faster decide on our theme too, people are so much faster den us already.

My lousy stomach starts to cry at abt 4 plus,so km & me went to koufu to have our lunch/dinner? After that off to oschool to meet sihui. Attended Daniel's HH2 class, there's floor work today, kinda tiring but still ok. Sihui was like still out of breathe, i think probably House trained me to have a better stamina le bah..hehe..Ben is funny, I accidentally dropped my card he also can laugh so loudly, i think he's too high already..hehe..he likes my $2 notes alot, last week too =p

KM came to oschool find us cause she went to develop her photos & we went kopitiam to meet en. I wanted to eat strawberry kisses but the lady 4get den she give me same as km de mango we discuss about unit, came out with long list of possibilities of sponsors..hehe..although i know this unit is kinda screwed up somehow, but den still hope tt it can be a gd one. Afterall, it's our show.

Back to school again tml, my holiday's seems so empty =p

Sunday, September 14, 2008

KM came to my house erly in e morning, poor us gotta wake up erly in the morning, got a long walk at Swing KPE. They wanna compete with the German for e world record of the number of people taking lanterns to walk under tunnel. The whole event is not properly organised i felt. We gotta stand fr like more than 1 hour at the same position til we can start walking. You can hear alot ppl whining here & there. I really not enough oxygen with my this kind of height standing together with the crowd is really a lose out..hehe =p

Anyway, when the horn sound for our turn we walked for duno how long and we'll come across a blackout area where people have to carry the lantern. It super hilarious to see so many balls on e floor. I can;t stop laughing when an aunty was walking with the ball lantern and it dropped den she go saying "i lost my lantern!" it's really so funny. It's a cheapo lantern tts Y.

Along the way they actually have e checkpoints where they remind us the drivers what rules we should follow with e song that goes with it too. About to end the walk the last checkpoint suddenly so cheena the song..hehe..

There really isn't suffucient air inside, cause at a point i did felt abit terrible, but i'm fine. On the way we saw an ambulance with e shadow of someone who seems to be doing CPR or something - someone fainted. Just now the news did report about it and the person who faint is actually the camera-man, he's heartbeat stopped but they did revived him back, luckily.

After that we take a short rest & walked out and found heaven - milo..hehe..nice! HSH after that, watched my drama again til about 3pm and took my nap til about 6pm. I tink i became darker le, cause today's sun is really 'BIG' :)

Dinner was great with crab along..hehe..Mooncake Festival aint that fun this year. No plannings, no more candles, no more interest? Everitym i'll think back to the past & remember how happy we were just having friends around even without doing anything.

I've been writing some chinese comments back to chinese is quite rusty and i muz take abit more time to tink of e pinyin b4 i get my words =p

The dreams i had, always so real & true about my life. I can vividly remember the scene which shows how close we can be and after awhile, the friendship or whatever it is can become so frail. It suddenly felt so far away that there aint anything to take about? Or probabaly just a few sentences and tts it. Maybe, maybe a few smiles can cover them up all. Thats the way it is now and i don't know about the future.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

i like the colours!! especially green, red, pink & purple!! so refreshed! but den, i've been considering classic for quite some time alrdy. Anyway, my mini is still working well with me. I know its kinda retro, but now retro is e pink-mini rocks =p

i know now is not the time to get something that i want, but things that i need. i know my piorities.

Today meet en at our old school and we went Oschool together..hehe..we thought we were late but the class started late. House II today was kinda fun and i feel this few lesson aint as tiring as the 2nd lesson which i fainted..haha..i think the amount of rest u have & the food you take plays a part. I want a healthy life =)

After that took bus to scape park flee market to find e girls. Simin dressed up wor..hehe..not bad leh. Meiling, Lifen, Yongqi, Liping & km were there. All of us were so black-grayscale. We went scott to find sihui & she's black's a dark day today.

Ltr on km & me part with the rest at cine. km's going parkway & im going home, so back to ntuc income for our bus ride. Help km look for her bus 36 den i walked to my bus-stop. I duno i was dreaming of wat, den suddenly someone tap me, i was kinda lost somehow..haha..anyway,it's daniel. I duno wat expression i gave but i tink i smiled bac..haha..i don like my expression, coz i know it's surely gonna be tt stupid blur look. I know cause everitym dis kind things happen, km dey al will laugh non-stop de. So, even if i don look into e mirror i know i look kinda retarded =p

Anyway, my stomach is kinda exploding with e lots of left over from e sponsored buffet. FAT FAT denise is coming back..hehe...

Past few days din blog but many things happen, so let some pics say something. Anyway, most pics in facebook =)

An Island Tour - it's a wonderful place which i'll go again, it makes me feel peaceful.

Meet up with wonderful sisters
movie - Babylon A.D. (a good storyline but ending not good)

Sometimes, or probably most of the time i'll regret wat i did or decide or whatever it is. It may make me feel happy for awhile but probably let me suffer in a long run. No matter what happens, i know i must have faith in myself and i know i want to stay happy everytime. :)
every word he says, makes me think even more about everything & everyday...

Monday, September 8, 2008

I went to bed around 4am again but this time i can't get to sleep although i'm tired. I toss & turn and even replyed sihui's msg at abt 6 plus..she stil ask why i so early wake up. My reply to her is i haven't sleep! I think after that i fall asleep le bah & was disturb by my mummy trying to off my air-con. She just keep standing there & press non-stop, cause she say still got the yellow light, i think her eyes something wrong the time i ask her to stop "playing" from cool with the fan ON become quite hot. I still layed on my bed til abt 11am when Sarah called me. Actually i still wanna continue my sleep but in this kind of disturbed sleep i duno how to continue anymore =p

Went back school, helped the triple S with their China trip stuff, talked abit about Fedex & Unit. So most of the time is gossiping with cy & funny =p

Ltr on CY went back for his GYM with this longan, KM, Sara & me went to art friend and had our "dinner" at taka, walked to PS for bubble tea cause im craving for it and to Oschool to meet Sarah & Sophia. KM sit outside & watch us dance and she dozed off in the middle =p

I like Daniel's choreo, there's more & more explorations, today's style is more MTV - nice! He continued having House recital practice, really envy his energy, i hope i have half of his. I really need more energy!

Anyway triple S enjoyed it and i'm happy =) Hopefully km will join us soon..hehe..

After that we had dessert at Kopitiam & had super long chats..nice nice..more of this coming..i like =)

To my dramas & movies again..ciao~

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Went for Daniel's HH1 1pm class ytd, and before i reached, sihui gave me a call and i thought something serious happen, scare me!

Class was quite fine with the same song on mon - little weapon. Monday was e routine for intro and ytd was the routine for the chorus. House was fun too, i had enough rest =D

I realised nw adays Danial's choreo like alot of turning?? It's giddy but if fun =p

I know i don't have enough strength but how 2 get the strength?? Last time Ian told me to drink more milk?? Does it help?? or maybe the only way is TIME..nvm..

It's my time to chiong my dramas! HK dramas! so i slept at 4am in the morning and woke up at abt 3pm today. And, i just realise i got a report to do for my light design. I think i should start doing abit now. It should be quite an easy task bah, but i need more nicely rhinoed pic. Must make those word into jpeg too, if not will be like eason run here and there to hand in =p

I need money to survive this holiday, anyone got job intro???

Friday, September 5, 2008

A good day at home alone. it's only until night time, when i'm about to go out le then they come home.

Slack whole day trying to change my skin, but then don't know what happen, error here and there, in the end nth changed..hehe..waited for time to pass and waiting for km msg. Meeting her and hui xiang at Sing Post for dinner - subway, haven't been there for the subway before.

Hui Xiang's my primary school-mate and her secondary school-mate, what a small world?..hehe..meeting at 7.30pm & i'm early.

Anyway, there's also KO Night at sp but i've already forgotten abt it til eunice called me & say her lesson cancelled cause of KO Night. She wanted to go so i msg Ian to ask if can get the tix at the door, but in the end she don't want go nvm. I've already have my dinner plan i also not going, and actually can get tix still.

Nice catching up about our primary school days and their secondary school days. Some of the things that i din know, i knew them today..hehe..stayed in subway til abt 10pm when they'r abt to close le..we moved to mac. Subway is freezing and hui xiang's action is funny. He's abit the 'ah pek' kinda feel, i think since primary school is like tt le bah?? least now he can throw away the 'saliva king' this nickname le.

Had a great laugh today, it's been so long since i can be so relaxed? Sitting inside mac made me think of our secondary school days where i'll be there studying with my friends, even KFC, Long John, Food Court. All we can say is 'xiang dang nian'... ...i really miss those times. I wonder hows yan hong now?? Life's so different now, everyone doing different things. Sometimes wonder, if meet le is there still any common things to chat about after so long? I think, if we are still friends i think o matter wat topic we still can bring it up to talk about ya? Today is a good example, nice chatting session :)

More & more people coming in mac, those ko night ppl, abt 11.30pm, hui xiang tired le..also scared no bus to take home so off we go. It's been quite awhile since i went sp, i just feel that its such a secondary school place..hehe..

The next oschool recital gonna be there i don't know how to dress up lor...coz everitym i go sp is like sloppy wear de. If gonna wear nice nice like so weird, cause so near my house..nvm..when the times come le den say bah..maybe that day we can go geylang eat le?!?!?! i think it's a good plan.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

I had a great day today.

Back to school just to settle the library book thingy, just wonder that books have legs?? Sophia intro a new game again - guan dong chao mian LA, it's a funny game but quite fun =p

Off to Marina Sq with Sara, Sarah & CY, before that went to library and settle e library book thingy and the staff there is funny :)

Lunched at Yoshi and shopped around, the croc shoe that i got is ugly, i duno how to design it -.-

Walked to Dhoby Xchange(i spell correctly now =p) for my craving of the brownie, but it was quite a disappointment today. KM came and meet us =)

Xiao Sarah's friend came and off they go for their Ms Clarity Cafe and CY went to meet his gf. 3 of us chatted and waited for ernie to come and we went over to parkmall's DOME. I had my LIME with Aloe Vera - dope!

Four of us share a plate of Calamari, 3 girls are just too full from the brownies. Discussion of the unit09 was ok, just abit of confusion here and there. Anyway, it's just the starting. It must be a good show cause it's our show!

Pang came afterwards & he is making a fool of himself again, it's like everytime, with his uncle-kopitiam style, it just made our day. He thinks the food's too ex at DOME so off to PS for his KFC. On the way saw Jia Xian, surprisingly he knows Sara cause they'r in e same cca. What a small world, actually not lar, same NYP de ma..hehe =p

Pang seems to be quite pyscho recently?? something wrong???
KM & me have difficulty making decision, cause it's really a difficult decision to make somehow.
Going home time, km & me same routine, walked all the way to bras baseh bus-stop for our ride home. AND i still haven't make my decision..i really duno how to make the decision!! I hate to be in this kinda situation >.<

what should i do tomorrow?? saturday seems to be quite a busy day in the early afternoon?? hiyo~

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Haircut in the afternoon and off to douby xchange to buy xiao de's present. the present is so yummy that eunice and me is juz so tempted to just eat it, but we din. We bought ourself a cheesecake where its base is brownie instead of e original crunchy stuff, dope! I'll visit there soon =D

Off the PS to buy a temporary slipper cause the rain made my shoe super wet and i felt uncomfortable wearing wet shoe and i think if i continue wearing i'll get smelly foot =p

Back to Aljunied MRT to wait for egg to fetch us and he made us wait for like 30 mins or more. Both of us like keep looking out for lorry's..hehe..but in e end it's an FIAT, no bad. He rented it, the interior was quite nice, too bad i don't know what model is that.

I thought he and the front sitter know the way, both look so steady, in the end we end up going to airport then back to marine parade again before we reach pasir ris. Before we reach coasta sand, we went to loyang 'dua bei gong' cause he din look at e signborad again. The whole journey was like 1 hr plus when its suppose to be only half an hour, what a hilarious ride.

Celebrating xiao de's bdae, but actual day on 7th. He was abit tipsy after having some drinks, hope he's ok. The entertainer of the day was actually Alwyn, can't stop laughing, kai xiang is another one, can't stop singing and lifting up his shirt - quite a weird habit..hehe =p

Got home around 12 plus thks for the ride egg, pls don't depend on that benny? for the way..hehe =p

Back to school, finally settled the pictures & videos for fedex and the observations. After that rina came fetch me and off to leisure park kbox with eunice also. The weather is super cold, making the room even colder!

I need to go back school tml again to search for one of e library book that i borrowed. It just disappear like that? If it's lost i need to pay $89 for that and that's so crazy! Stupid book duno go hide where >.<

I think this month is really not a good month for me, seems like so many things din really goes well smoothly.

sometimes, i just like to wonder and think of the things that happening around me. sometimes people can just pretend to be ignorant and that's the way it's suppose to be? when there's a barrier built for so long, even a little shift can't help it get back to it's past when there was once ain't any barrier, even putty can't help now? all that is to be done is just smile and get on with the life that was already planned to be.

Monday, September 1, 2008

You can never imagine how close am i to death yesterday. If i were to be stubborn and gone to bed ltr, i might be in hospital now. It really got me so scared, especially in e middle of the night.

I gone to bed at about 2.30am. I just can't get to sleep and then i heard sound of plastics moving or whatever. It's quite annoying and i'm afriad, so i get out of my bed and look around. I can't spot anything and i quickly jump onto my bed and cover myself up with my blanket, shutting my eyes tightly. The next moment, i heard and loud bang, look beside me, my whole shelfing collapsed. At that time, it was abot 3.15am, count myself lucky, i only got a cut from e glass.

I can't stop myself for thinking abt the incident on sat and ytd or should i say today. I felt somethings not right but i don't know how to say. I think i'm loving my life more now, cause at the point of time when you thought something might happen to you, it's really scary. Sometimes, you just feel so helpless, nobody can help you except yourself, only you yourself know what wrong with your body.

I know my health is much more better then when i was in primary and secondary. Those were the days where i would always have to go to clinic to breathe in those oxygen, i don't like the feeling. Hope my body "zhen qi yi dian" =)

Anyway, went back school today to discuss about fedex, but only sara, eason n me was there. School is just so dead, so boring, nobody's around, just a few of us with km, yvonne, seth.

Off to PS with km to meet en then waited for sihui at oschool. Attended Daniel's HH2, i like the song, the choreo was nice too, but i think i need more time =p

Sarah & Sophia can't make it cause something crop up, so they might be going next week, Dale too..hehe..

tml gonna be a day for me to enjoy, hope it's a good day.