Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Jarett :)
Today's a fun day!! Went for HH1 Daniel's class with sihui. Same song as mon but got choreo changes. I like some of the techniques today but i still prefer mon's choreo =D

Pasta for lunch but too salty and sihui waited for me to finish my house II. It's fun!! I think i've been smiling through the wholes lesson, i duno y, probably coz i cnt catch up..hehe..

En when off to meet wj, sihui & me went over to sim lim coz she wanna buy thumbdrive. We walked & walked & saw someone familiar, it's garry. We were kinda far so din go to find him, so we continue. We saw another person again and he's wirawan!! funny. He accompany us walk and sihui bot her thumbdrive, we then head to bugis to meet sara, sophia & eason. We dine at QQ noodle house, not bad, quite nice, i give 7.5/10 :)

After dinner is meeting time, but wira went off, din join us. We had discussion at national library, at e same time check out our exhibition area, then again, it may not be the official yet?? nvm, sarah & sihui(sapp) joined us. We discuss til the library wanna close & went to bras basah kopitiam & found out that there's accident outside oschool der.
We have a powerful lady who can storm on the ground & make that spot crack!! Scary!!! =pMy whole holiday is kinda ruined by myself. I wanted to do many stuffs like polishing up my folio & all but i failed to do them. I'm kinda busy with my dramas, unit & some logo design which is not mine but i still hv to come out with one super soon..hehe..i need some motivation for myself!!

Sometimes it's the smallest decision that can change your life forever.

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