Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Desmond Super Bear!
F1 - i support L.Hamilton :) Eunice support Raikkonen but he last few lap 'buang', too bad..hehe..den i pity Massa too. Due to mis-communication bah, he bring along the pipe with him & waited for the team members to get to him, and so from first become last.

After that en came to fetch me den to fetch ray & off we go to ECP Carls Junior. Had long chats & i find it meaningful =)

I woke up quite late, so din go school. MSN km & cy den mit at orchard see products. CY craving for KFC drumlets, so km & me ate mcflurry.

CY off to meet gf, km & me bussed to oschool to meet sihui. Daniel's HH2 class today is fun, got formation as well, it's the intro of the song "move like AG" which we learned e chorus choreo on mon & sat. Then, to Raffles City for our dinner. ^^Backache is killing me but i think i'm feeling better le. -.-

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