Monday, September 1, 2008

You can never imagine how close am i to death yesterday. If i were to be stubborn and gone to bed ltr, i might be in hospital now. It really got me so scared, especially in e middle of the night.

I gone to bed at about 2.30am. I just can't get to sleep and then i heard sound of plastics moving or whatever. It's quite annoying and i'm afriad, so i get out of my bed and look around. I can't spot anything and i quickly jump onto my bed and cover myself up with my blanket, shutting my eyes tightly. The next moment, i heard and loud bang, look beside me, my whole shelfing collapsed. At that time, it was abot 3.15am, count myself lucky, i only got a cut from e glass.

I can't stop myself for thinking abt the incident on sat and ytd or should i say today. I felt somethings not right but i don't know how to say. I think i'm loving my life more now, cause at the point of time when you thought something might happen to you, it's really scary. Sometimes, you just feel so helpless, nobody can help you except yourself, only you yourself know what wrong with your body.

I know my health is much more better then when i was in primary and secondary. Those were the days where i would always have to go to clinic to breathe in those oxygen, i don't like the feeling. Hope my body "zhen qi yi dian" =)

Anyway, went back school today to discuss about fedex, but only sara, eason n me was there. School is just so dead, so boring, nobody's around, just a few of us with km, yvonne, seth.

Off to PS with km to meet en then waited for sihui at oschool. Attended Daniel's HH2, i like the song, the choreo was nice too, but i think i need more time =p

Sarah & Sophia can't make it cause something crop up, so they might be going next week, Dale too..hehe..

tml gonna be a day for me to enjoy, hope it's a good day.

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