It's been a busy week. Let's start off with ...
Monday - Kbox with P.Cliques (KM, Pang & CY) @ cine. I had fun, hope they too, though everyone seems kinda tired.

Tuesday - ION with Sis Candice & Dolly.
Wednesday - Julie's Farewall Dinner. Her last day at work and I seriously going to feel bored..hehe..

Thursday - Joined the rabbits for steamboat at Ashley's house and I, being e photographer of the day, helped to snap quite a number of images.

Today, I can reached home earlier and gonna have more busy days coming. I think the daily horoscope thingy is quite true. Probably, my health is really giving me problems. It has been since duno when and til now, I'm always so busy. I seriously want a long peaceful break, but how am I suppose to do that?? I have an answer in my heart, however, I can't do what I want cause of many many reasons. I learnt something from someone and is something I always keep in my mine - ENDURE.
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