A great night indeed spent with ex-Macpherson band members :)
We are all saying goodbye to Macpherson band after don't know how many years after graduating, with Mr & Mrs leaving Macpherson Band this year.
And welcoming the new member - Xi Wen, their lil cute daughter.
Time flies, here I go again.
My life is still revolving around sec school,
although I'd already even graduated from poly.
You know, life is really short, just treasure it and spend it fruitfully.
And I know, it is always easier to be said than done.
Goodbye to King of Pop
Michael Jackson
Your famous dance moves is always revolving around us.
27 June 09
Today my day was spent at work. A day which I used to like before I graduate. A day I used to spent packing my room and my many lots of stuffs. A day which I spent with my dance-buddies. But now, it is the way it has to be. And so, my sunday seems shorter with many more stuffs to be done, on the only weekend I have. It is the life that I had and I will make sure someday, I have better weekends to spare. AND, I WILL.
Doing the secondary school quiz made me think through alot that had happened during those 4 yrs. There's really lots of UPs & DOWNs in class, in band, and even after school.
You know, we can only think back and talk about them.
BUT, we can never experience them the second time. This is when regret will come in when something you wanna do is still left undone til now.
Does it matter now? We can only just look back and move forward into the future that we won't know what's going to happen. All i know is, the world is getting more cruel as our age adds on.
Why can't life be simplier?
I just miss those innocent times...
I hope what you've said are true??
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