Design is not about producing and producing the quantity, but to have the quality. I need to have the feel to do it and sketch it, thats why my brain seems to be working for almost 24hrs even when i'm sleeping. I really do dream about my projects, i can laugh at myself when i wake up. I think i'm just pressurizing myself but thats what i need to do, if not i won't be able to meet my deadlines.
Other then time, i need to be focus and motivated! Things are piling up like nobody's business, especially when Fedex Project is coming soon before i finish 'Home In Contrast'.
I'm done with drawing my 3 concepts for weighing scale, i'll scan in tml and do the illustrations. They need to be handed up by this coming thursday and garry will be calling the client over. We need to present to the client directly. SUPERB stories are needed for our inspiration to let the client be impressed with our design.
I can't think of any yet and my design is influenced by volkswagen which is also one of my favourite brand..hehe..I like two of my design out of three. Hope i am able to present it properly to the client.
Tomorrow must focus on my HIC, so that i can go find supervisor. I think i'm left with 4 weeks? XMI left with 1 or 2 weeks? FDA about 4 or 5 weeks? Seems like the schedule is quite tight, i can do it! Just need to be extra hardworking from now on but i'm quite busy with external stuff too. I need to manage my time well.
Denise please do your work and consistently!
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