ThursdayDiscussion on IP - deadline next thursday 3 concepts illustrated out! prepare to present it to the real client!
Dinner - western at south canteen. Mr K joined ltr on and lame around, laugh til mouth felt sour? =p
FridayI worked! Clicking the whole day 8am to 9.30pm. What a boring day! But money's here, though not enough for me to sign up for course, at least i need not top up too much =)
SaturdayI went for Daniel's HH1 class today without company of sh or en, i'm learning to be more independent..haha...Class today was quite chill, with the chill dance and chill music. Pepper shaker?? i think if i nv remember wrongly?? and isolation was the key of the routine today. I bet i din execute always i suppose. PRACTICE!
House was at 3pm, so between 2-3pm i've to wait for en to come. Anyway, locking 1 friends joined me on my table. They called me the betrayer, reason is i din join locking II. It's ok..they'r just joking..hehe..Ian said he saw me dancing in the video tt daniel recorded, but he din give me any comments. I bet its quite bad for him to comment?..haha..Sometimes, it's just so demoralizing when you see ppl ard u dance so well and when seeing urself dance really can faint..hehe..time is what i need!
So it's House time at 3pm. I think Daniel must be quite disappointed that everyone doesn't seems to be practicing at home? i did but i still can't do it properly, also i actually remembered the routine that he gave last week wrongly. He said he forgotten and ask me, then i told him, he said it was somehow incomplete and weird. Because i miss out some steps..haha..sorry! My memory really cannot make it sometimes =p
I think i dance weirdly??..haha..I know that my strength also aren't there yet, can't see the force. Being a person whom alwayz being called feminine, i think it's not a good point being a dancer? I need to be MAN! I also feel that my body proportion super wrong, i seriously need to go on diet to try to cut down on the parts that i hate it to be that way. The Bs and Ts.
I think i over stretched my muscle on my left thigh. It's been painful since last week, especially when i climb up stairs and do the touch floor/swirl technique. I can't bend too, it's just painful but i endured it during dance today. I hope it'll be ok cause i applied "yoko yoko" which i don't like but is my younger sis favourite? She everytime use it..hehe..i don't think is tt useful?? nevermind, probably is e psychology part that'll do the additional part :)
After that i went PS to find eunice to shop for materials for my elder sis - candice 21st birthday decoration things. So troublesome and i can't say NO, cause it 21st birthday. I'll need help on mine too SOON!!'s less than 2 yrs cause now is already july of 2008, feb of 2010 is counted near to me..hehe..
Back home i'm busy again, with my parents stuff, now then i got this "free" time to blog. But then i did enjoy youtubing just now for awhile..hehe..anyway Daniel haven't post anything yet.
Actually i've the feeling of stopping everything, simply everything thats happening, things that i'm suppose to do. Somehow i felt tired of everything, probably i've got too much commitments that i felt i can't management properly, especially at this point of time when deadlines are so near. I think confidence is also one of the point that i'm lack of, it's just so duno what i want, what i'm good at. EVERYTHING! All i can say is - time is what i really need!! >.<
Just some random ranting bah, feel abit better now.
I felt quite guilty for rejecting to meet one of my friend just now due to dance. I hope she'll feel better and again - time is what she need! Sometimes, guys just can't be trusted even when he pretend to be so strict and sticky etc.
I know that i haven't been through this before and never try. I have my reasons. Although i've alwayz been just a listener for my friends and siblings, it brings me to their scenario and i can feel it. I know there's good points, but then the sense of security ain't there.
Quote from KM - "currently bgr seems like a sort of game liao... like people be tgt just for status of being "in a relationship" like who the heck cares abt the "love" or whatever... people get attached like just want to have companion only"
i find it true, but probably not all because i've seen truely in love couples and that's what makes people envy.
Being single is also not so sad, i feel that sometimes, liking/loving someone doesn't really need to be with that person, as long as he's happy i'll feel happy too. Although it may be torturing, it's somehow worth it. Probably it's a better torture then the problems that you gonna face being in a relationship? Anyway i still wanna Bless everyone, be it being attached or single =)
It's been quite awhile since my meet up with km. She got so much things to tell me, about the happenings, I also!! hehe..She's been so busy with her attachment, but she's coming back soon!! I won't be so lonely already?..hehe..cause sihui and pang going for their IA and probably is China, SO FAR! That's why i'm happy km's coming back!! Still she's gonna do different project as me, it's ok, KOH sister is getting together again! ^^
I've been slacking for whole two days now, i think i need to do something tml. I need good advice on my decision. I'm just so afraid of making decision now that can really make an extreme difference is the choice i made is wrong!
I've a long and whininng post, gonna stop.