Time to blog again..My Sunday was spent at Arenda Chalet for Couz Eric's Baby Girl 1 month celebration. Just doing more catching up with relatives and everyone's start talking about work instead of school now.
Schools are memories for us and on this day, we just need to step back in school again for some updates. It's eve of teachers' day and we just have to find some time out to be there. After 4 yrs for me and other nos of yrs for the rest. We are stepping into our secondary school once again with a different status. It's good to see your artwork still in school, that might be a reason for you to go back other than looking for teachers. I can only find a handful of familiar teachers still teaching there. Probably after a few yrs later, those familiar ones might leave this school. I'm glad I went back :)

After that, we go our seperate ways to do individual stuffs. For Candice & myself, we went for dental appointment. Waiting time can make you sleep but it's worth the wait. At night, we meet up again for dinner - steamboat!! Another place we found to eat steamboat, not too bad, but the service is not that good.

We went over to iluma and we had a great time there. Thanks to the guys who had helped us get our strawberries!! We are all happy :) And, Happy Birthday to Joseph.P!

Tuesday was a day for me to rest after work and Wednesday out again. Meet up the ladies at ion to accompany me to trade my N73 for E71. I will miss my N73 but I have to do that cause of many reason I've thought..haha..but my new phone is not that bad, only that I din get my ideal colour. And I traded for a higher price than I thought. I saw Joseph.G there, he's still the same..hehe..I don't know to thank the salesperson or what for thinking that I've just graduated from secondary and I was like 16?..haha..It's not too bad to look young, but I myself must have a younger heart than :)
Dinner at Far East with En & Candy before meeting the other 2 ladies. I had a fun night and I should be even happier when someone said I look younger than my age again..haha..thanks ladies for always looking after this xiao mei mei even though I'm actually the oldest??..haha..by month =p

Today, I din go work due to diarrhea and the disgusting vomitting. The reasons I thought of just don't make sense. En vomitted, ping diarrhea too. Might be the dinner stall we ate?? or whatever reason. It's a diarrhea day for many..haha..Skipped my breakfast and lunch, as for dinner I have to fill them, if not I surely can't move.
Morning was really a pain for me, it makes me feel like a drug addict, feeling cold and unmovable. And, thks to liping for giving me a big blueblack on my knee, but thks to myself also for being clumsy..haha..Anyway, I'm fine now, after a long rest on my bed, just feeling weird all over my body. I need to sleep soon again.