Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's just another day to pass by. I also said and believe that time tells everything, it's true. People may tell you how good or how bad the other person can be, wait til you experience that by yourself. Words can't explain everything, observe is what I always like. But sometimes, you need to combine them together before you can actually get the truth out of them. I see, I hear and I learn from that.
How can you define grateful? It's no use just keep saying "I'm so grateful to xxx, cause once upon a time bla bla bla". That's the most basic sentence that one can form, but they actually can mean nothing. I just feel that sometimes, silence is a sound of its own, and it can't be explain in details. Also, I'm not good with words and I prefer to keep silent.
If I never remember wrongly, someone said or iszit Eunice? Neway, that someone said I'm a low profile person who actually has so much happening at the back that was quite wowing? haha..But then, I think I can't compare to my 2 sisters whom are so high profiles especially Candice. I still remember her going around introducing us to her friends, I think since primary school? That's her character and actually she's a nice sister. However, sometimes quite irritating =p
No matter what happens, I love my family :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The world can change around you, but your dream will not.
Responsibilities need not erase it.
Duties need not obscure it.
Because the dream is within you, no one can take it away.
I'm trying to think and see from a different perspective and I think I'm getting more on track now? Though I'm not too sure. =p
Sunday was not too bad. Thanks Vivien for the Prawn Noodle Party, it's been about a year since I last saw her and that day was great :) It's also my bro and Chee Yong's birthday! Happy Birthday!!
Monday was normal and today was yet another day, but I feel that my heart ain't as heavy as it used to be. Neway, someone famous drop by our gallery. Guess who? It's Li Wei Song if I'm not wrong. He dress casually and he's friendly :)
Dinner for today is MAC! Like finally! I haven't eaten mac since I graduated, but then, cause my mummy da bao, so not as fresh..haha..neway, still appreciated.
My ulcers seems to get bigger and bigger, means more and more painful >.< I need something icy to cool them down. And, I hate sensitive nose! It's just so irritating.
National Day is coming, but I can't feel any enjoyment around the neighbourhood?? No Flags??
Happy Birthday to Hui Xiang, John, JinWei & Wayne! :)
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Saturday, July 25, 2009

The great thing in the world is not as much where we stand,
as in what direction we are moving.
I am beginning to understand more, especially in the real world. You can never get what you expect but only to strive for them. To believe one day, miracle will happen - it might? You can't predict what falls on you, however, you can avoid if you pays attention. I know what I want to achieve and I will make them happen.
I will not let my emotions take control over me and I will get what I want if i want to. I am learning to grow and somehow I have to be grateful too.
Anyway, my ulcer is getting more painful. Imagine a triangle in your mouth, that's the 3 points I had in my mouth. Chl 5 aired Pocahontas and it reminds me of the days in band, I missed playing this piece of music.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Waiting is a trap.
There will always be reasons to wait.
The truth is, there are only two things in life,
reasons and results,
and reasons simply don't count.
I am waiting for the right and good time,
as well as a good chance. I know that's not the end of the world.
Time is the key point for everything.
I was craving for peppermint oreo and I had it :)
I somehow wished that I had sore throat & don't talk.
I somehow wished that I had sore throat & don't talk.
Thursday, July 23, 2009

I know that's part of the life that we have to go through, but come again, what's the real reality? What's my aim & goal in life? I can't answer. I had too much in my dream that yet to come by. I may be young, but not that young. I know life is short and I've yet to make the right decision. My mind is over working, thinking of non-necessaries.
Too much doubts to clarify, which is making 'believe' far away from me. I know I still have to move on, till the next phase come in. I know I have to be certain when the time comes.
Hear No Evil. See No Evil. Speak No Evil
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To lose faith, to lose illusions...
Under the big blue sky,
a fallen little thing,
the lost angel.
I just don't understand, why is all this happening. But then, I somehow know how it all happened. Why are the words so bright and welcoming, and it can be so annoying and hurtful as time passed. To believe or not too, I can't decide and I don't know how to.
What will happen after that, I'm not too sure either. I hope thy can understand and be more thoughtful like the words that thy used & said, but no actions done. These are really causing the the atmosphere to be melancholy.
There's just so much that's bottled up in me, but I can't speak them upright. I feel must better ranting in here, however, my questions are still left unanswered. I wished it could happen with just a snap.
Anyway, my dad called me at work and said Eunice is sick. She called my mum in the afternoon. He was like so worried, ask me go ask her how le and ask if she did eat for the past few days.
Video called her again and she's feeling better. Thanks to one of her new-made friend who passed her some Chinese herbs??..hehe..So nice of them also to treat her to their cooked dinner. She ain't online now cause, her friends brought her out to buy bubble tea..haha..she don't drink but she'd enjoy the car-ride and the scenery around. Good that these group of friends ain't party'ers =p
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
First night,17 July, meet up yanhong & yufei. She ate chicken rice, though it's at taka food court, it's still nice + carrot cake too. After, we went for neo-print taking, it's been so long since we took that, but that machine is quite laggggg.
Second Night, 18 July - meet up with other mss peeps and we went over to Dubliner. Nice chill out place. Someone's missing in the picture - JN, see him in FB bah :)
Later on, we went over to Jonice's mum's KTV to continue the night and yu fei joined us. We den divide into 3 grps to go home, and gotta sae bye bye to Yan Hong, hope she'll come sg soon again. CK's fren sent J, S & me home - thks :)
Sunday - 19 July - Bon Voyage to my sister Eunice and she flew off to Perth alone. Though the sending off is not that smooth, hope she's happy that quite alot of people came. I know I'm so lousy to cry, but I alrdy endure for so long. I think my dad is trying so use as much of his voice as possible, cause he can't scold her for 5 months..haha..
Hope she adapt there well and manage her time properly, cause her management is quite bad. She called back that night when she reached the airport, but it din last long cause she's using the public phone - aud50cents for 1 min?..haha..
Next up, accompanied the mountain tortoise - liping to tour T3 and went over to E!hub. The guys played boardgames & girls went to kbox. Great time to cool & chill with the crazy girls - luv it! :)
My headphone+microphone finally worked ytd after intensive tries for abt 3 hrs! I tell you, it's really not fun not being able to talk or they can't hear your reply when people keep talking to you. I'm so overjoyed when i'm able to talk and people can hear me! I feel so tired after that cause, i've been talking to myself for 3 hrs??..hehe..
1 bad thing is, when you called someone, rmb to off it. I was talking to liping ytd using skype and i 4got i din off the call i had with candice/eden over at msn. They've been listening to our conva for so long!! I only found out when i keep hearing laughters and i thought its my own echo -.-
Anyway, Ciao~
Friday, July 17, 2009
So dark, that we can justify what is right & what is wrong.
Life is still the same,
cause, no matter what happens,
you still gotta move on.
Anyway, Yanhong is here!!!
I'm meeting her later :)
She's not staying here for long,
she's flying back on sunday, same as eunice.
Hope the time don't clash.
Yesterday night, was helping eunice to pack her luggage. And we use our weighing scale to weigh them, it's not overweight yet..hehe..we try to squeeze 1 whole packed of 10 toilet rolls into the hand carry luggage..haha..look so exploded =p
Conclusion is, packing luggage can also be a form of exercise ^^
Monday, July 13, 2009
Blogger forbids me to post pic, so too bad, can't post pic of today's filming in our gallery. These filming is making us quite busy from last week. Many things unseen was done many days before the actual filming day. Today is even a more stressful day, coz the 2 main host who are the designer for the show - Home Decor, they have headache choosing and buying furniture together with our high prices. It's really making them stress..hehe..
Julie is helping Team A - Bryan's team and I'm helping Mark Lee's Team - B. They can really think of things to say in spilt seconds and Mark Lee can be really sarcastic but maybe he's trying to make the show seems more funny??..Being the one who got assigned to served him, of coz I can't get away from letting him make fun of ya??..Even my name, he also can think of a song to sing -.-
I think or maybe don't even think, I'll be looking like a ball in the show, with my stupid things which i don't really rmb what I've said, cause my brain have to work damn fast to catch up with their timing. Now I finally know how reality and what you see on TV can be such a big difference. I think the person who gotta do e editting, sure needs lots of hardwork. Shall wait for e show to release.
Everything started from 1pm, with discussions and filming etc, by abt 7pm, we then finish everything. Then on, gotta send quotation to them before I rush off for my appointment with rina & e bikers at MS. Suppose to meet at 7.30pm and I was 1 hr late..haha..Only 3 bikers come - Sunny, William and KangKong. Fun people to hang out with, with all the funny jokes etc. Actually I was quite tired already, but after dinner we had coffee ice-cream? That makes me awake.
On the way home, Rina n I was talking abt William & his traffic police bike. We had the conversation on how rare you can actually bump into someone you know on the road while driving. Then, we suddenly saw a traffic police bike and it's William. Rina & me silent for a second and starting laughing. Sometimes, you can even bump into your neighbours, what more to say about bumping in e middle of e road. Singapore is small but not that small.
In less than a week, eunice is flying off~
Julie is helping Team A - Bryan's team and I'm helping Mark Lee's Team - B. They can really think of things to say in spilt seconds and Mark Lee can be really sarcastic but maybe he's trying to make the show seems more funny??..Being the one who got assigned to served him, of coz I can't get away from letting him make fun of ya??..Even my name, he also can think of a song to sing -.-
I think or maybe don't even think, I'll be looking like a ball in the show, with my stupid things which i don't really rmb what I've said, cause my brain have to work damn fast to catch up with their timing. Now I finally know how reality and what you see on TV can be such a big difference. I think the person who gotta do e editting, sure needs lots of hardwork. Shall wait for e show to release.
Everything started from 1pm, with discussions and filming etc, by abt 7pm, we then finish everything. Then on, gotta send quotation to them before I rush off for my appointment with rina & e bikers at MS. Suppose to meet at 7.30pm and I was 1 hr late..haha..Only 3 bikers come - Sunny, William and KangKong. Fun people to hang out with, with all the funny jokes etc. Actually I was quite tired already, but after dinner we had coffee ice-cream? That makes me awake.
On the way home, Rina n I was talking abt William & his traffic police bike. We had the conversation on how rare you can actually bump into someone you know on the road while driving. Then, we suddenly saw a traffic police bike and it's William. Rina & me silent for a second and starting laughing. Sometimes, you can even bump into your neighbours, what more to say about bumping in e middle of e road. Singapore is small but not that small.
In less than a week, eunice is flying off~
Sunday, July 12, 2009

The whole stadium sang her birthday songs though it's on 23 July. I like the English song she sang: “So It Goes”, (I think it’s a Billy Joel song) a really heartfelt performance. She sang one of her new song, but I forget the title - I like :)
Encore for 2 times, but some people already left before the first encore, so too bad for them. All in all, I enjoyed, thks Rina, my ear is fine, cause we sit far away from the screaming crowds.
Today, Accompanied my mum to my aunt's place to help her get her letters and clean her hse. I was kinda shock to see the environment to be the way it is. For that few hours there, I just help to clear to expired products, magic clean the floor. I so wanted to sit down, but I just feel uncomfortable, so I walk around and see my mum clean up the cockroach area. Both of us keep on "eeee...eeee.....eeeeee.." funny..It reminds me of the reality show that Quan YiFeng and Christopher Lee hosted.
Looking forward to tomorrow ^^
Thursday, July 9, 2009

You know, if you give me a choice, I would surely choose study to work. You think I have this choice to choose from. I tell you, I don't.
My past few days was not bad and today was not a bad day either. Only, there is just too much question marks over my head. People make choices over many reasons, there would surely be an positive answer towards everything, and negatives aren't exempted as well. And sometimes, it's your persistent that made the choice for you. It's really saddening to see so many things slowly floating up one by one. These are really making people feel so uncomfortable. If life were much simpler..and that would just be an IF.
No matter how hard you try to avoid any challenges, you just can't get away. They will sure come and hunt you someday. I think my brown hair is growing more. I think I'm kinda weird, coz I don't really grow white hair, instead I grow brown hair when I'm quite stressed up. Sometimes, only a middle part of 1 strand of my hair will be a lil white, isn't it funny??..haha..
Anyway, I'm going for Yan Zi's concert tml!
Rina got an extra tix. I know I'm kinda mountain, cause, it's actually my first time going for a singer-concert. Most concert that I went are: piano, band, drama, dance. 1 reason i can think of is my pair of ear and the noisy screams from the fans which my affect my hearing =p But, I look forward to experience, neway, I like Yan Zi's songs :)
One more news is..... ..... ....
Home Decor is coming down to our showroom for filming.
My boss assign me to assist one of the host, but I hope they change their mind. I'm scared to be on TV and I'm so fat! Even a glimpse of me on TV will be so occupying the screen with my roundish size..hahaha..Will update again about this another time =p
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I don't know what happen to my previous post. 1 or 2 paragraphs of my post is gone and I only know like, now??'s meant for me to keep to myself :)
Cause, my blog wants to be happy and don't want to take in all my rantings =p
I want to say, I feel so sorry for MJ, for all that he has to endure when he's a live. Now, the truth is out, I hope he really can rest in peace.
I don't know what you've told me previously was true. I want to believe but it's just leaving me with all the doubts with what I've observed as time passes.
Cause, my blog wants to be happy and don't want to take in all my rantings =p
I want to say, I feel so sorry for MJ, for all that he has to endure when he's a live. Now, the truth is out, I hope he really can rest in peace.
I don't know what you've told me previously was true. I want to believe but it's just leaving me with all the doubts with what I've observed as time passes.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daniel! When are you coming back???
haha..I seriously need to get some excercise!!
Fatness!! Anyone wants to be e exercise consultant of mine??
My plan is to lose 10 kg by Dec..
It's really difficult for me now,
though I broke my own record last time.
Losing close to 20kg in 2 months 0.0
I was once so proud of myself..haha..
And now, im disappointed >.<
Losing close to 20kg in 2 months 0.0
I was once so proud of myself..haha..
And now, im disappointed >.<
En, when are we going dance again?? It's been awhile!!
Eunice's flying off soon!!
I can't enjoy life as much as I could in e past.
I have many burdens over me, and I'm trying as much as I could.
Someone knows it, but she, she just gives me a feeling that, everything is fine and that stupid 'p' is still the same. I'm trying all means to do what I think I'm expected and one day, I'll surely get away from there. Though I like the way it is now, somehow, I'm still not satisfied when I'm already in this current state now. She's just taking more than she gives and I know J feels the same ways as me.
I have many burdens over me, and I'm trying as much as I could.
Someone knows it, but she, she just gives me a feeling that, everything is fine and that stupid 'p' is still the same. I'm trying all means to do what I think I'm expected and one day, I'll surely get away from there. Though I like the way it is now, somehow, I'm still not satisfied when I'm already in this current state now. She's just taking more than she gives and I know J feels the same ways as me.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It's blogging time again!
Wednesday was the usual meet up but not at hawker anymore, cause it has officially start its transformation. It has been a super long hawker, a hawker that exist since don't know which year. But I can remember that since i moved to my current home when I was 6, it's already here. A hawker that i had lots of memories, cause my dad once had his 'ba kut teh' stall there which was famous then. Nice food, nice chill out place with friends. We'll have to wait for abt 1 yr to reunite there again?..haha..sounds funny..but anyway..
I had a great time on Thursday! We celebrated ping's 20th in advance, today is her actual day so..HAPPY BIRTHDAY Girl!
We had a great time laughing,especially with her shy-but not so shy expressions & actions..hehe..HK cafe followed by indoChine, the vocalise indeed has a charming voice :)
Friday is a good-girl day at home and saturday is a night at Bali!! Nice place, nice food :)
Thks to Julie for the treat!
SUNDAY!! My favourite day to stay at home!! Being in a cosy place with TV occupied by me whole day to watch my show!! War Of The Worlds is nice!! Tom Cruise! This show indeed teach me some things.
Wednesday was the usual meet up but not at hawker anymore, cause it has officially start its transformation. It has been a super long hawker, a hawker that exist since don't know which year. But I can remember that since i moved to my current home when I was 6, it's already here. A hawker that i had lots of memories, cause my dad once had his 'ba kut teh' stall there which was famous then. Nice food, nice chill out place with friends. We'll have to wait for abt 1 yr to reunite there again?..haha..sounds funny..but anyway..
I had a great time on Thursday! We celebrated ping's 20th in advance, today is her actual day so..HAPPY BIRTHDAY Girl!
We had a great time laughing,especially with her shy-but not so shy expressions & actions..hehe..HK cafe followed by indoChine, the vocalise indeed has a charming voice :)

Thks to Julie for the treat!

It's not about you, yourself, it's about you and the people around you! ^^
Saturday, July 4, 2009
How does it break?
Both friends will think the other is busy and will not contact each other thinking it might be disturbing to the other party. As time passes, both friends will think 'let the other one contact me first.' After some time, each will think 'why shoule i contact first?' From here onwards, your friendship will be converted to hate. Finally, the memory becomes weaker due to the lack of contact. And we forget each other. I don't want our friendship to end this way, which is why i'm sending this to say, friendships are like gold. Without polishing, it becomes dull. Whereas if you take care of it, it'll shine like the brightest star.
Send this to all your friends you treasure and love, including me if i'm one of them to convey this message: i love you, friend! Keep in touch!
denise :)
How does it break?
Both friends will think the other is busy and will not contact each other thinking it might be disturbing to the other party. As time passes, both friends will think 'let the other one contact me first.' After some time, each will think 'why shoule i contact first?' From here onwards, your friendship will be converted to hate. Finally, the memory becomes weaker due to the lack of contact. And we forget each other. I don't want our friendship to end this way, which is why i'm sending this to say, friendships are like gold. Without polishing, it becomes dull. Whereas if you take care of it, it'll shine like the brightest star.
Send this to all your friends you treasure and love, including me if i'm one of them to convey this message: i love you, friend! Keep in touch!
denise :)
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