it's fun, at the same time abit scary.
cause, it's the real industry!!
Im working with sara, my coursemate
as well as other fun people and my boss is one of them :)
Started work since friday.
And today, i accompany my boss n a designer to a client house.
it's a little weird and all..
but overall, its quite fun.
Can play with the client 2yr old child also.
The job scope is kinda big.
Can really learn more than juz design.
I tink interior/space kind of mindset are needed too,
as well as retail and being an entrepreneur etc.
My boss says, a good designer must know how to sell your product.
It's fun, but i tink it's gonna be more stressful as time goes on.
But i know, im really gonna learn alot.
Thanks for the opportunity.
At the same time, i wanna have lots of fun too!!!
Last lesson for LA/Lyrical HipHop today,
i was late, coz i kinda lost my way from workplace..hehe..
but it's find, funny lesson.
I tink i need alot more practices =p
I want to go for my zoo trip!!!!