Handed up mid-crit ppt already but then, there's so much holes in it. I need to speak more tml.
I reached school about 10 plus today without eating and i continued rushing my ppt until i handed up without eating or drinking anything. I was kinda hungry when i reached home =p
Just now, after sara n me finish talking to mr tan, we got back to studio but evrything is closed and the door is locked. So, we gotta ask chavady to help us open. We were chatting away and packing our bag in the quite room and a phone ring suddenly sounded. Both of us were like "eh, who's phone? wira?" but he's nt in studio already. We looked around but din see anything, i swear, im really scared..hehe..
After awhile, we heard a loud 'BOO', i shouted, both of us was shocked and we saw something around the scanning area. It's BOEY!! THE SPY!!
It's really scary leh, until we got out of the studio, we were still thinking if that person is him or... ...better don't tink so much =p
I feel that today passed too quickly that i din realise the time - it's already so late!
Anyway, lets talk about my weekends.
FridayKm & me were going to popping class but our pityful sister pang need help. He alone need to get 30 pieces of styrofoam, carry from orchard all the way back to NYP. Both of us only can help him til taxi stand, and we ended up super late for class, like 1 hr?!?! Nobody's free to help him?? he gotta rush the props the whole weekend in school and ended up with chickenpox..hehe..
Popping class was fun, learning - stopping, stop motion, slow motion, controlling the speed of fast and slow, ticking, dime stop?, strobing, box & circle glide, miming?? i think thats about that..hehe..of course with the choreo as well =)
Saturday & SundayI tink i stayed at home and do p5??
MondayIt's public holiday and i still have to continue doing p5, but i have relaxing time that is to go for oschool recital. Subway-ed with sh, her bf, km & me sis first and off to SP to Q up and waited for pang. Nice show and funny ending of the videos. Then, back home to rush work for today's submission. I really need a break, i doubt so i can have it. There's still so many things to rush for - bicycle, unit, portfolio, namecard etc etc.
I already have my wish for christmas, newyear, CNY, my bday..haha..it's a simple wish and kinda stupid..haha..off to prepare my 10 years series - i'm the only 1 who'll have it =p